Monday, June 8, 2015

A "Golden" Treasure

It doesn't have to glitter to be gold.  In fact the greatest treasures often have nothing to do with gold.  However....

One week ago, June 1, 2015, we observed a golden day.  Fifty years before we were sealed in the Logan Temple.  Why Logan?  There were no temples east of Utah and most of our extended family that would attend our sealing lived in the Cache and Marsh valleys of northern Utah and southeastern Idaho.  Besides, we had just finished school for the year at BYU, with Ginny graduating with a BS in Music Education.  Logic meant the Logan Temple.  Now, 50 years later, that decision means much more.  Family is the underlying reason for temple covenants and ordinances and we shared that special day with grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles with whom we hope to share eternity as we prove worthy of that blessing.  Our life together began with family and when it came time to celebrate 50 years together, once again we did it with family.

Our children stealthily planned for many months the perfect weekend.  On Spring Break David and Kari did their usual trip to Utah for skiing and visiting kids at BYU.  But this time they took an extra trip further north to Cache Valley, up Logan Canyon where the rock for the Logan Temple was quarried.  When they returned home, a beautiful rock, heavy with what must be iron ore came with them.  Cassandra, Michele's granddaughter, seeing the picture of the rock, fashioned the tree pictured above, spray painting it with various hues to match the colors of the rock.  There is a branch for each child where leaves may continue to fill the tree with beautiful gold.  It is a thoughtful piece of art with so much meaning.  We leave it to you to find your own symbolism but we are grateful that David anchored that tree to the rock, as we hope our marriage and family are anchored to the Rock of our Redeemer, sealed so many years ago in the Logan Temple.

The other part of the stealth was the way they kept the best surprise of all.  The four children who live in Fountain Valley planned with us long ago that on Saturday May 30 they would come to San Diego, do an endowment session in the San Diego Temple all together and then go to lunch afterwards.  We were so pleased that they would choose to celebrate our 50th in that way.  So, Saturday morning we arrived at the San Diego Temple at the appointed hour.  The kids suggested we go over where the brides get photographed for a picture.  Mal, going to get someone to be the photographer,  disappeared around the side of the temple, returning with the word that someone was coming.  As we stood there waiting and looking for that someone, who should come down that long walkway but every one of our children with their spouses.  As Ginny hugged each one she just couldn't quite absorb the fact that they were ALL there. All twenty-two.  It was a wonderful thrill with each new person and they all got big hugs with tears and too many shrieks of delight.   The kids were as thrilled as we were to all be together but also that they had pulled off the biggest, best surprise of 50 years.

Often we will hear a talk in conference about the joy of being in the temple with all your children.  We experienced that very feeling.  It was difficult not to tear up during the endowment session with overwhelming happiness.  We spent wonderful time in the Celestial Room and the atrium after the session discussing the temple and its meaning.  The rest of the day was spent having an absolutely gourmet meal in La Jolla with lots of visiting there and at our little missionary apartment.  Thankfully our children know how to "hang out" in tight quarters.  Happily the celebration didn't end Saturday night.  We have written these past four months about our very interesting San Diego 4th Ward and how much we love being here, the challenges, frustrations, and joys and the good friends we are making.  We've invited all to come and see for themselves.  So those wonderful children arranged to stay the night and attend church with us the next day!  And to make the day even better, our mission president spoke in our ward that day.  You might call that a coincidence but we are very thankful that he just happened to come on the very day our children were there.  He met them, they met him and had a great conversation.  We are grateful to be serving under he and his wife and so thankful that he could meet our children.

To top off the visit, we came back to our little apartment where the kids brought in all the makings for sandwiches and other lunch fixings.  We had a great make your own feast amidst all the visiting we could squeeze in before everyone left at 2:00.

The work of the Lord calls.  Parents needed to return home to children.  Bruce and Ginny needed to leave for El Centro, 100 miles east in the desert for Ginny to lead the missionary choir in the Mission Fireside which is held once a month.  Gratefully, Michele and her husband David were able to stay an extra day so went with us.  The reunion lasted a few hours longer for the four of us.

The world calls it a Golden Wedding Anniversary.  We are grateful for good health and a marriage based on solid gospel principles that have made it possible for us to have enjoyed 50 years that got us to that anniversary.  We don't glitter and neither do our children or their children, but they are treasures more precious than gold and we hope to spend not only a weekend celebrating with them but all eternity working, playing and celebrating the joy of the gospel.

May the tree continue to be solidly attached to The Rock and continue to gather golden leaves, the greatest treasure of all, forever.

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